Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanksgiving Troubles...

Dear Riley,
The neighbor dog got really sick last year right after Thanksgiving and, the word on the block was that he ate a lot of turkey skin and a few bones. He spent several days at the vet's office, which was actually a nice break for me. I was wondering if you could explain why eating turkey skin and bones might have sent him to the hospital and if this is something I can plan on again this year.
Needing Neighborly Advice
Dear Needing Neighborly Advice,
I know how enjoyable it is to have a break from the pesky antics and noise of these neighborhood dogs, but what you describe actually sounds very concerning. I've seen it happen here at Care Animal Hospital. Humans tends to go a little overboard during their holidays, wanting to share their holiday feast with their dogs. We cats are a little more discerning, but some dogs just have no sense about what they eat. They'll eat skin, bones, even the grease right out of the pan. Sometimes this "dietary indiscretion" just causes some vomiting or diarrhea, but I've also seen dogs wind up hospitalized due to a serious condition called pancreatitis. The dog pancreas is apparently not well equipped to handle a rich, fatty meal. The resulting inflammation of this abdominal organ sets off a chain reaction, which ultimately results in vomiting, diarrhea, pain, dehydration, and worse. A mild bout can sometimes be treated with pills, but more serious episodes require hospitalization, intravenous fluids, and intense treatment.

So, have a little compassion this holiday season and please encourage the dogs in your life (pesky as they may be) not to overindulge in the human food that may be offered to them. If nothing else, I really could do without a hospital full of sick dogs.

Your furry feline friend,


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